Whipping Flat
Earthers Back to Their Caves
by C.W. Seper, January 23, 2017
Sick of seeing all these goofy Flat Earth videos and blogs?
Here's a little ammunition in the fight against the unbridled stupidity
currently sweeping the idiotnet.
1) As you travel in any direction on the planet, the stars
behind you start to disappear while new ones come into view in front of you.
For instance, you can't see a single star in the Southern Cross constellation
from Chicago. Nor can you see Polaris or more than a couple of stars from the
Little Dipper or Draco from Buenos Aires. The obvious reason is that the Earth
itself (being round) is in the way.
2) If the Earth was flat, you would be able to see cities in
Europe or China from the USA with a good telescope on a mountaintop. In fact,
the Earth's horizon makes it impossible to see more than 50 to 100 miles away. Not
only will you not see the Eiffel Tower from Indianapolis, you won’t even see
the mountaintops of West Virginia.
3) Flat Earthers claim there is no video of the entire Earth
rotating from space. Actually, it's done all the time. You see live time
lapse views from weather satellites on the news every day. There is even at
least one satellite that sends a live time lapse feed 24 hours per day from the
International Space Station that you can watch online:
4) Flat Earthers claim that the real distances to the stars
and planets are simply made up and that we're being lied to (apparently by
every single astronomer in the world). In fact, we know the distances to stars
by using the parallax method of calculation. It is not a theory. It is a
calculation. One that any grade school kid can do. The distance to the moon is even
easier to calculate by simply bouncing radio signals off it. They travel
exactly at the speed of light, 186,200 miles per second. It takes 2.56 seconds
for a radio wave to hit the moon and come back. Dividing that in half: 1.28
times 186,200 = 238,336 miles. (Truth be told, it’s not exactly 1.28 seconds.
The total distance is closer to 239,000 miles.)
5) They claim you can't circumnavigate the globe by going
south because the world stops at Antarctica. Actually, ships, subs, and planes
circumnavigate the globe going north to south or vise-versa all the time.
There's a no fly zone over Antarctica (simply because a rescue mission would be
nearly impossible in most situations if you crashed), so they skirt just around
the continent. Whalers have records going back centuries of traveling past Antarctica from South
America (for instance) and back up past New Zealand and China through the Artic
Sea and back down past Greenland to the Atlantic. Further,
you can fly a tour around Antarctica any summer on Antarctica Airlines out of
Australia. Sorry kids. No end of the world wall. Have none of these flat Earthers ever sailed the seven seas in the
6) Virgin Galactic will be taking customers into space
probably by the end of next year. They already have 700 people signed up to go.
If you have enough money, you can take your own video of the spinning globe
from space before long.
7) 207 people from 11 countries have not only been to outer
space but have performed space walks. Is it rational to think that all the
astronauts from all these countries have lied to everyone on Earth since the
late 60’s? If so, perhaps flat Earthers should ask Belgium, Denmark, France,
Spain, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, Sweden, and Brazil
why they bothered putting billions of dollars into the International Space
Station if none of them have really even been to space to begin with.
8) Flat Earthers claim that the Earth doesn’t really spin.
In fact, both wind and ocean currents move clockwise in the northern hemisphere
and anticlockwise in the southern precisely because of the Earth’s constant
(Feel free to copy this and pass it on.)