Monday, March 28, 2011

Landed A New Publisher Today

I just wanted to share the good news. I've been looking for a new publisher for my fiction and actually signed a deal today with the first one I contacted. It's a Canadian publisher that's only been around for a couple of years, but they seem to be doing all the right things.

I have a blog for my fiction (under a penname) here:

Fiction Blog

The Buckaroo now has a bigger voice. World domination to follow.


  1. V'ery good news Bill. Well done, you really are a big author, literally!'

  2. Oh boy! Groupies! I'll send you both an invite to the cast party when I write my first script for Spielberg. At this rate that should be in about 50 years. Yes, there will be cake! (Don't forget to bring your teeth).
